My Corner of the Web

Ghosts from the Past: Navigating Insurance Denials and Self-Reflection


As I write this, my thoughts are tumultuous, and my emotions are raw.

The start of this year marked a significant turn in my life. I said farewell to my long-standing company and the security it provided. I found myself in the vast sea of uncertainty for three months, asking myself - 'What's next?'

A new opportunity soon emerged from the chaos—a light at the end of the tunnel - a new startup. Bolstered by a pre-seed round funded by friends and family, I embarked on this exciting journey in April.

Yet, three constants remained in my life - my family's need for prescription lenses, medication, and dental coverage.

And so, I began the quest for personal insurance to solve these needs. I was a solo founder trying to navigate the rough waters of out-of-pocket expenses. I submitted my application in April, hoping to find a suitable plan.

Months of waiting culminated in a letter stark against the backdrop of my anxiety.

A letter that delivered not relief but a blow that sent me reeling - I was not approved. My family was, but I, due to a past of alcohol abuse, was not. A dark cloud from my past had caught up to me. It was a reality I did not deny, but one I didn't think would have such profound implications for my future.

A ghost of the past that haunted me despite my ten months of sobriety.

My mind immediately went back to that fateful day, the major mistake under the influence of alcohol that led to my dismissal.

The letter stated that I should apply again after abstaining from alcohol for five years. Five years! It filled me with sadness and frustration, not to mention a heightened sense of anxiety.

The comforting thought is that my family has the coverage they need. But for me, the cost is real and immediate - out-of-pocket payments or risk going without.

My wife, Crystal, has encouraged me to explore other insurance providers, but I am skeptical. The question asked by every insurer looms over me like a shadow, 'Were you ever denied coverage?' I have an answer, which does not fill me with hope.

I write this post not as a plea for sympathy. My goal is to share my struggle. The harsh reality is that mistakes from the past can have long-lasting effects.

While I may feel like my efforts might be fruitless, I know I must try and find other providers. Yet, the more likely I'll accept the financial burden or make do with less.

This post is a chronicle of my current feelings. I'm sad and frustrated. I have a lingering sense of a past mistake that refuses to disappear.

Life's challenges sometimes arrive uninvited and unwelcome. I have no choice but to face it, so I may as well take the next step.

That's all I have to share today.

Remember, we're all fighting battles unseen by the outside world.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.