My Corner of the Web

Strep Throat Sucks: If You Get it, Give Yourself a Break. Here's Why


I caught strep throat recently. It was quite the ordeal, but it gave me something I needed: a break.

Illness struck as I was about to ship my MVP of ‘fforward alerts’. It wasn’t a request but a demand - to rest.

Science has shown us that rest isn’t only for physical recovery. The brain benefits too. When we rest, our brain processes information and consolidates memories.

And so, I decided to rest. I allowed my brain the necessary downtime to digest, process and understand all I’ve worked on over the past 90 days.

Research also shows that taking breaks can enhance decision-making. A study in “Cognition” showed that brief diversions improve focus. This pause can provide a valuable new perspective.

The time away allowed me to disconnect from the day-to-day grind. I was able to reconnect with the bigger picture, illuminating the path forward.

The brain uses this downtime to understand what we’ve learned, tie it together, and envision the future. The brain’s background processing leads to those ‘aha!’ moments.

The science makes it clear. Longer breaks aren’t only good for health recovery; they are crucial for cognitive function and decision-making.

Embracing this rest period helped my body and mind, providing a fresh lens to make better decisions for my business.

So here’s the random lesson from my strep throat: sometimes, stepping back is the best way to move forward. Embrace those longer breaks.

Your brain will thank you.